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The New Year in His Presence

As I took communion this morning, I didn’t do this just in “remembrance of Him,” but looking forward to this year. As I took the bread, I acknowledged that He fulfills my needs. I asked Him to remind me of that all year. I asked that He constantly keep before my eyes the knowledge of His presence. To remind me that all my physical, spiritual and emotional needs can and will be met through my relationship with Him. As I took the cup, I was overwhelmed by His continually refreshing forgiveness. I asked that He would keep me close to that flow and be my strength to turn from the temptations of my corrupt flesh. I prayed that this year I would walk in intimacy with Him, His word and His Church. I pray this year for all my brothers and sisters in Christ that you too would walk in the knowledge that you do not have to work for forgiveness; you walk in that forgiveness. You do not have to work for peace; you walk in that peace. You don’t work for anything; you walk in all that He has for you on a daily basis. Let’s open our eyes this year and see how blessed we are already. Then we can walk with New Year’s resolution…

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