…Sitting at a small restaurant next to the airport In Port-au-Prince reflecting on a great week with a wonderful team working in the mountains. I’m awaiting the next team in few hours and the Lord is overwhelming me as I write.
I believe the Lord gave me two thoughts at the beginning of this stint in Haiti: “Trust Me” and “Talk to Me.”
All week long I’ve tried to push past my flesh, fatigue, and small fears (of my own inadequacies) to find God in all of the challenges that present themselves when working in a country like this. My struggle is my natural tendency to “power through” in my own strength to complete our ministry’s programs and projects. But this week has been different. God’s “still-small voice” has been very loud in my ears saying; “Brent, don’t PRESENT Me to the world more than you are PRESENT with Me this week. What an incredible difference that simple instruction has made for me!

Even mundane tasks like going to the store or walking with a team member through a village becomes more exciting when God gives you HIS perspective. Accessing His “helicopter view” of time and the world gives meaning to everything I do. I also believe that when we abide in Christ we access the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. That Spirit calms our fears, strengthens us from the inside and empowers our actions and words in a way that we will never comprehend.
So… I start another week in my second home if Haiti. I intend to practice the presence of God in my life. I’m praying that for all who read this as well.